As free legal hours fall, the American Bar Association and other groups are trying to come up with new ways to enlist lawyers to assist in navigating the court system. 随着免费法律援助时间减少,美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)和其他团体正在探所新的方式招募律师志愿者来帮助有需要的人们处理复杂的法律事务。
But getting the two-thirds majority in the Senate needed for ratification will be a struggle, even though the American Bar Association has confirmed the treaty does not infringe any constitutional right to bear arms ( as the NRA claims). 但在参议院要想获得大多数的认可将是一场斗争,尽管美国律师协会(依据NRA的主张)已经证实了该条约不违反宪法中的枪支保有制。
The American Bar Association suggests that government officials like Mr. Malkin warrant enhanced scrutiny in real estate deals, but its guidelines are voluntary. 美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)表示,在房地产交易中,肯定应该对马尔金这样的政府官员给予更密切的关注,但该机构的指导方针是自愿执行的。
But names of candidates for the federal judiciary are submitted to a committee of the American Bar Association and appointment is usually made only with its approval. 但是联邦法官的候选人名单要提交给美国律师协会的一委员会,而且一般只有在经其同意的情况下才得以任命。
The American Bar Association, which accredits the law schools, is also calling for greater openness on how graduates fare after leaving college. 关于法科生毕业后就业情况如何,具有法学院资质认证权的美国律师协会也要求增大透明度。
He is a member of the American Bar Association and the International Technology Law Association. 埃里克史密斯还是一名美国律师协会、国际科技法律顾问。
At a recent webinar sponsored by the American Bar Association," How to Sell Yourself: Developing the Perfect Pitch," panelists outlined the tools and skills necessary for a great interview. 最近,在由美国律师协会举办的一次网络研讨会上,针对“如何推销自己,获得全场最高分”的议题,专家们给出了成功面试所需掌握的必要工具及相关技巧。
The American Bar Association's Committee on Judicial Independence is working on guidelines for when judges should recuse themselves. 致力于司法独立的美国律师协会委员会正在起草指导方针,有关法官在什么情况下应该回避审判。
American Bar Association Central and Eastern European Law Initia 美国律师公会中欧和东欧法律倡议
The American Bar Association advises nominees not to discuss how they might vote on issues likely to come before them. 美国律师协会建议被提名者不要讨论如何表决他们将要遇到的问题。
NEW HAVEN, Conn.-The Connecticut's governor's choice to fill an open seat on the federal bench is not qualified for the job, the American Bar Association says. 纽黑文,康涅狄格州&美国律师协会声称,康涅狄格州关于联邦地方法院填缺的人选没有资格胜任该工作。
The American Bar Association is able to regulate the lawyers 'market access by stipulating professional rules and disciplines. 美国律师协会在法律服务市场准入中负责制定管理律师的行业规则和纪律。